Flexible service

Shrek-juice's service is extremely flexible with many incentives with many programs and many inter esting gifts for lucky customers. Especially, the store has a policy of customer care, treatment for loyal customers, the menu of shrek-juice is upgraded and updated from time to time with smart management. There are often talk shows with the participation of famous singers and rappers.

t is the flexibility and professionalism in the field of outdoor parties that helps us to satisfy the most detailed and strict requirements of both individual and corporate customers for each type of party such as teabreak, outdoor party, party tea, wedding party, ...

With the motto "You think - We do", our store team is always ready to turn your party and event ideas into reality.

Extensive menu

Under the direction and management of the store, our creative bartender team conquers all styles of drinks, from standard European, Vietnamese, and hybrid menus to complex juices.

Together with the party organizing team, each party is taken care of by the bartenders with dedication, creativity and passion for drinks.

We are ready to design your own menu and bring complete satisfaction to your own party!

Creative ideas

We love to incorporate innovation and creativity into parties with different styles, colors, and themes.

Understanding the pressure and workload when organizing an important event, so that the event must be perfect, smooth, pleasing to the guests and within the budget, Shrek-Juice will help you to let go. This burden with the creative and enthusiastic event organizing team to properly express the personal style of the party owner or business to bring a strong and deep impression in the eyes of the guests.

10 years of development with many associated partners, specialized in fields such as art flowers, event planning, wedding decoration, etc. will help Shrek-Juice and you successfully organize a party, event memorable event.

Professional service team

Shrek-juice's professionalism is reflected in the core values ​​we adhere to: good manners, friendly service, dedicated care and a positive service attitude.

We understand the importance of attentive customer service, and will do our best to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the service we provide.

After each party, we always actively acknowledge comments from customers to help improve the unsuccessful points and promote our strengths to improve service quality.

shrek-juice's service team is extremely large and dedicated as well as friendly. But equally professional , constantly available 24/7 to serve you in the best way . Always responsible for work with enthusiasm and experience ready to answer all questions of customers